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eicd.com Content Objects Specifications
ICD-10 Diagnosis Object eICD10( )
ICD-9-CM Diagnosis Object eICD( )
CPT Procedures Object eCPT( )

For general information regarding the use of these Java methods, please see our eicd.com Content Objects Primer


public String[][] eICD(String criteria, String exclude)

An eICD.com ICD-10 Content Object. Returns a string array representing the ICD-10 codes in eICD.com format that meet the criteria, while eliminating any codes meeting the exclude argument.
criteria - string expression representing elements to be found in a search. Must be a string with length greater than one (> 1) to return any results.
exclude - string expression representing elements to be eliminated from the search. Not required.

A two dimensional array of n ICD-10 records in eICD.com format:

[n][0] = ICD-10 code (includes decimal point where appropriate)

[n][1] = ICD-10 Chapter (0-21)

[n][2] = Chapter description

[n][3] = Class description

[n][4] = Category (3 characters)

[n][5] = Category description

[n][6] = Diagnosis description

[n][7] = Category Include text delimited with <BR>

[n][8] = Category Exclude text delimited with <BR>

[n][9] = Diagnosis Include text

[n][10] = Diagnosis Exclude text

[n][11] = General Mortality Condensed List Code (GMCL)

[n][12] = General Mortality Selected List Code (GMSL)

[n][13] = Infant Mortality Condensed List Code (IMCL)

[n][14] = Infant Mortality Selected List Code (IMSL)



public String[][] eICD(String criteria, String exclude)

An eicd.com ICD-9-CM Content Object. Returns a string array representing the ICD-9-CM codes in eicd.com format that meet the criteria, while eliminating any codes meeting the exclude argument. Please note there is a separate ICD-9-CM PROCEDURES Content Object eICP( ) (see below).
criteria - string expression representing elements to be found in a search. Must be a string with length greater than one (> 1) to return any results.
exclude - string expression representing elements to be eliminated from the search. Not required.

A two dimensional array of n ICD-9-CM records in eicd.com format:

[n][0] = ICD-9-CM code (includes decimal point where appropriate)

[n][1] = Full description of ICD-9-CM code, lines delimited by <BR>

[n][2] = Include content, if any, in HTML format with lines delimited by <BR>

[n][3] = Exclude content, if any, in HTML format with lines delimited by <BR>. Always prefaced with "Exclude:"

[n][4] = Coding notes. Notes indicating the appropriate use of the individual code (e.g. "Use 001.9 only when a more specific code is not available" or "Use 003.29 only when diagnosis is not found elsewhere")

[n][5] = Short description of code (30 characters or less in length)

[n][6] = Medium description of code (maximum character length 250)


nmax = 499.

    The maximum number of ICD-9-CM records returned are 499.

Only end codes (codes to their highest level of specificity) are returned.

    No additional digits may be added to any code, [n][0], returned.

If criteria is null then no diagnoses will be returned

Except in the case of null criteria, if a search returns with no records, provide less information, not more.

    If you perform a search that comes up empty (produces no results), then provide less information. In particular adjectives such as left and right will cause a search to fail because diagnosis and procedure codes rarely will specify right or left (e.g. FRACTURE FEMUR rather than FRACTURE OF LEFT FEMUR)

The eICD recognizes many, but not all, medical abbreviations.

    The eICD is programmed to recognize many standard medical abbreviations such as CHF, COPD, and BPH. But if you use an abbreviation and your search fails, then try the unabbreviated form (e.g. hypertension instead of HTN).

The eICD search criteria are not upper or lower- case sensitive

    The use of capital letters will not change your search results - searches for Vibrio, VIBRIO, vibrio, or ViBriO will yield identical results.

Spelling is important but not critical. You do not have to enter a complete word.

    The eICD correctly identifies many, but not all, commonly misspelled medical terms (i.e. abcess instead of the proper form abscess). If you are unsure of the proper spelling of a word or phrase, enter only the portion of which you are sure. For example, if you are not sure how the word "ventral" is spelled, you may enter "ventr" or "ntral" or any other combination of contiguous letters in the word. Obviously, the more information you provide, the more specific and accurate your search results.

    You may notice that The eICD will automatically search for substitute words or phrases. Some items indexed in the text version of the ICD-9-CM will not be associated with a specific diagnosis code but rather refer you to another word or phrase. For example, if you look up "cancer" in the index, you will find- "see Malignant neoplasm". Changes in spelling, as well as changes in syntax, are also present throughout the textual index (e.g. "Hallus- see Hallux", and "Glottitis- see Glossitis"). The eICD search engine will automatically make the substitutions in the search criteria for you. If "cancer" is one of your criteria, the eICD will search for "malignant neoplasm". As with all entries in criteria, this feature is not case sensitive (it will substitute Cancer, CANCER, cancer, as well as CanCEr with malignant neoplasm). Please note that in all cases in which there is a choice, the American English syntax or spelling will be preferred.

The eICD search can be inclusive and exclusive.

    Your search will retrieve all records that contain your criteria, and you can also explicitly exclude records from your search by entering exclude terms.


    The Electronic International Classification of Disease is based on the International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision, Clinical Modification (ICD-9-CM) as published by the U.S. Public Health Service and the Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services (formerly Health Care Financing Administration). This program is designed to be a current, authoritative source regarding the ICD-9-CM, and every reasonable effort has been made to ensure its accuracy and completeness. However, eicd.com by Yaki TECHNOLOGIES makes no guarantee, warranty, or representation that this compilation is accurate, complete, or without errors. eicd.com by Yaki TECHNOLOGIES is not rendering any legal services, professional services, or advice in providing this program, the codes, or reports thereof. eicd.com by Yaki TECHNOLOGIES bears no liability for any results or consequences which may arise from the use from this program.
    Copyright Ó 1996-2003 eicd.com by YakiTECHNOLOGIES. All Rights Reserved.




    public String[][] eCPT(String criteria, String exclude, String zipcode)

    An eicd.com CPT™™ Content Object. Returns a string array representing the CPT™™ codes in eicd.com format that meet the criteria, while eliminating any codes meeting the exclude argument. If zipcode represents a valid United States postal zip code, eCPT() will also return the applicable local Medicare fee ([n][12]) as determined by CMS (formerly HCFA). eicd.com format for CPT™ codes includes a Book, Class, and Category tiered hierarchy for each code.
    eicd.com has followed the AMA division of the CPT™ 2003 into six (6) Books- Evaluation and Management, Anesthesia, Surgery, Radiology, Pathology and Laboratory, and Medicine
    eicd.com has further sub-classified each code. Every Book is subdivided into classes based on the code description. There are a total of eighty-eight (88) Classes in the CPT™ 2003. Examples of a CPT™ Class include: Dialysis, Gastroenterology, Surgical Pathology, Chemistry, Automated, Multichannel Tests, Digestive System, Musculoskeletal System, Radiology of the Upper Arm and Elbow, and Home Services.
    Each Class is subdivided into a set of categories, again, based on code description. There are 712 discrete categories for the CPT™ 2003. Examples of a CPT™ category include: Larynx- Excision, Lungs and Pleura- Endoscopy, Combined Arterial Venous Grafting for Coronary Bypass, Clinical Treatment Management- Hyperthermia, and Critical Care Services.
    criteria - string expression representing elements to be found in a search. Must be a string with length greater than one (> 1) to return any results.
    exclude - string expression representing elements to be eliminated from the search. Not required.
    zipcode- string expression representing a five (5) digit United States postal zip code. Not required.

    A two dimensional string array of n CPT™ records in eicd.com format:

    [n][0] = CPT™ code

    [n][1] = Book grouping of the code.

    [n][2] = Class of the code.

    [n][3] = Category of the code.

    [n][4] = Full description of the CPT™ code.

    [n][5] = Coding notes, such as the appropriate use of modifiers for the code.

    [n][6] = RVU: the relative value unit of the code

    [n][7] = Average fee: the average Medicare fee for the code.*

    [n][8] = Maximum fee: the maximum Medicare fee of the code.*

    [n][9] = Minimum fee: the minimum Medicare fee of the code.*

    [n][10] = Short Description: 30 characters or less.

    [n][11] = Medium Description: 80 characters or less.

    [n][12] = Zip code specific Medicare fee. Empty if no valid zip code entered, or no fee listed by CMS (formerly HCFA).*

    * Not all CPT™ codes have an associated Medicare fee. In some instances, such as for the anesthesia codes, the fee is listed as N/A



max = 499.

    The maximum number of CPT™ records returned are 499.

If criteria is null then no procedures will be returned criteria, if a search returns with no records, provide less information, not more.

    If you perform a search that comes up empty (produces no results), then provide less information. In particular adjectives such as left and right will cause a search to fail because diagnosis and procedure codes rarely will specify right or left (e.g. FRACTURE FEMUR rather than FRACTURE OF LEFT FEMUR)

The eCPT recognizes many, but not all, medical abbreviations.

    The eCPT is programmed to recognize many standard medical abbreviations such as bx and fx. However, if you use an abbreviation and your search fails, then try the unabbreviated form (e.g. hypertension instead of HTN).

The eCPT search criteria are not upper or lower- case sensitive

    The use of capital letters will not change your search results - searches for Vibrio, VIBRIO, vibrio, or ViBriO will yield identical results.

Spelling is important but not critical. You do not have to enter a complete word.

    The eCPT correctly identifies many, but not all, commonly misspelled medical terms (i.e. abcess instead of the proper form abscess). If you are unsure of the proper spelling of a word or phrase, enter only the portion of which you are sure. For example, if you are not sure how the word "ventral" is spelled, you may enter "ventr" or "ntral" or any other combination of contiguous letters in the word. Obviously, the more information you provide, the more specific and accurate your search results.

    You may notice that The eCPT will automatically search for additional words or phrases. Many procedural words, suffixes, prefixes, and phrases that are commonly interchanged, such as oscopic/ oscopy, or otomy/ ostomy, will be included in the results of a search.

The eCPT search can be inclusive and exclusive.

    Your search will retrieve all records that contain your criteria, and you can explicitly exclude records from your search by entering exclude terms.



    CPT™ five-digit codes, descriptions, and other data only are copyright 2001 American Medical Association. All Rights Reserved. No fees, schedules, basic units, relative values or related listings are included in CPT™. Neither AMA nor Yaki TECHNOLOGIES directly or indirectly practice medicine or dispense medical services. Neither AMA nor Yaki TECHNOLOGIES assumes any liability for data contained or not contained herein.
    CPT™ only © 2001 American Medical Association. All Rights Reserved
    Copyright Ó 2001 eicd.com by YakiTECHNOLOGIES. All Rights Reserved.




    public String[][] EHCPCS(String criteria, String exclude)

    An eicd.com HCPCS Content Object. Returns a string array representing the HCPCS codes in eicd.com format that meet the criteria, while eliminating any codes meeting the exclude argument.
    criteria - string expression representing elements to be found in a search. Must be a string with length greater than one (> 1) to return any results.
    exclude - string expression representing elements to be eliminated from the search. Not required.

    A two dimensional array of n HCPCS records in eicd.com format:

    [n][0] = HCPCS code

    [n][1] = HCPCS Class

    [n][2] = Full description of HCPCS code

    [n][3] = Coverage issues manual reference section number:

    [n][4] = Medicare Carrier Reference:

    [n][5] = BETOS: BERENSON-EGGERS Type of service

    [n][6] = Ctext: Coverage issues text.

    [n][7] = Short description of code (28 characters or less in length)


nmax = 499.

    The maximum number of HCPCS records returned are 499.

If criteria is null then no codes will be returned

Except in the case of null criteria, if a search returns with no records, provide less information, not more.

    If you perform a search that comes up empty (produces no results), then provide less information. In particular adjectives such as left and right will cause a search to fail because diagnosis and procedure codes rarely will specify right or left (e.g. FRACTURE FEMUR rather than FRACTURE OF LEFT FEMUR)

The EHCPCS recognizes many, but not all, medical abbreviations.

    The eICD is programmed to recognize many standard medical abbreviations such as CHF, COPD, and BPH. But if you use an abbreviation and your search fails, then try the unabbreviated form (e.g. hypertension instead of HTN).

The EHCPCS search criteria are not upper or lower- case sensitive

    The use of capital letters will not change your search results - searches for Vibrio, VIBRIO, vibrio, or ViBriO will yield identical results.

Spelling is important but not critical. You do not have to enter a complete word.

    The EHCPCS correctly identifies many, but not all, commonly misspelled medical terms (i.e. abcess instead of the proper form abscess). If you are unsure of the proper spelling of a word or phrase, enter only the portion of which you are sure. For example, if you are not sure how the word "ventral" is spelled, you may enter "ventr" or "ntral" or any other combination of contiguous letters in the word. Obviously, the more information you provide, the more specific and accurate your search results.

    You may notice that EHCPCS will automatically search for substitute words or phrases. Some items indexed in the text version of the HCPCS will not be associated with a specific code but rather refer you to another word or phrase. For example, if you look up "cancer" in the index, you will find- "see Malignant neoplasm". Changes in spelling, as well as changes in syntax, are also present throughout the textual index (e.g. "Hallus- see Hallux", and "Glottitis- see Glossitis"). The EHCPCS search engine will automatically make the substitutions in the search criteria for you. If "cancer" is one of your criteria, EHCPCS will search for "malignant neoplasm". As with all entries in criteria, this feature is not case sensitive (it will substitute Cancer, CANCER, cancer, as well as CanCEr with malignant neoplasm). Please note that in all cases in which there is a choice, the American English syntax or spelling will be preferred.

The EHCPCS search can be inclusive and exclusive.

    Your search will retrieve all records that contain your criteria, and you can also explicitly exclude records from your search by entering exclude terms.


    The Electronic HCPCS is based on the classification as published by the U.S. Public Health Service and the Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services (formerly Health Care Financing Administration). This program is designed to be a current, authoritative source regarding the HCPCS, and every reasonable effort has been made to ensure its accuracy and completeness. However, eicd.com by Yaki TECHNOLOGIES makes no guarantee, warranty, or representation that this compilation is accurate, complete, or without errors. eicd.com by Yaki TECHNOLOGIES is not rendering any legal services, professional services, or advice in providing this program, the codes, or reports thereof. eicd.com by Yaki TECHNOLOGIES bears no liability for any results or consequences, which may arise from the use from this program or texts.
    Copyright Ó 1996-2001 eicd.com by YakiTECHNOLOGIES. All Rights Reserved.



    public String[][] eICP(String criteria, String exclude)

    An eicd.com ICD-9-CM Content Object. Returns a string array representing the ICD-9-CM procedure codes in eicd.com format that meet the criteria, while eliminating any codes meeting the exclude argument.
    criteria - string expression representing elements to be found in a search. Must be a string with length greater than one (> 1) to return any results.
    exclude - string expression representing elements to be eliminated from the search. Not required.

    A two dimensional array of n ICD-9-CM records in eicd.com format:

    [n][0] = ICD-9-CM code (includes decimal point where appropriate)

    [n][2] = Full description of ICD-9-CM code, lines delimited by <BR>

    [n][3] = Include content, if any, in HTML format with lines delimited by <BR>

    [n][4] = Exclude content, if any, in HTML format with lines delimited by <BR>. Always prefaced with "Exclude:"




nmax = 499.

    The maximum number of ICD-9-CM records returned are 499.

Only end codes (codes to their highest level of specificity) are returned.

    No additional digits may be added to any code, [n][0], returned.

If criteria is null then no procedures will be returned

Except in the case of null criteria, if a search returns with no records, provide less information, not more.

    If you perform a search that comes up empty (produces no results), then provide less information. In particular adjectives such as left and right will cause a search to fail because diagnosis and procedure codes rarely will specify right or left (e.g. FRACTURE FEMUR rather than FRACTURE OF LEFT FEMUR)

The eICP recognizes many, but not all, medical abbreviations.

    The eICD is programmed to recognize many standard medical abbreviations such as CHF, COPD, and BPH. But if you use an abbreviation and your search fails, then try the unabbreviated form (e.g. hypertension instead of HTN).

The eICP search criteria are not upper or lower- case sensitive

The use of capital letters will not change your search results - searches for Vibrio, VIBRIO, vibrio, or ViBriO will yield identical results.

Spelling is important but not critical. You do not have to enter a complete word.

The eICD correctly identifies many, but not all, commonly misspelled medical terms (i.e. abcess instead of the proper form abscess). If you are unsure of the proper spelling of a word or phrase, enter only the portion of which you are sure. For example, if you are not sure how the word "ventral" is spelled, you may enter "ventr" or "ntral" or any other combination of contiguous letters in the word. Obviously, the more information you provide, the more specific and accurate your search results.

You may notice that The eICP will automatically search for substitute words or phrases. Some items indexed in the text version of the ICD-9-CM will not be associated with a specific diagnosis code but rather refer you to another word or phrase. For example, if you look up "cancer" in the index, you will find- "see Malignant neoplasm". Changes in spelling, as well as changes in syntax, are also present throughout the textual index (e.g. "Hallus- see Hallux", and "Glottitis- see Glossitis"). The eICD search engine will automatically make the substitutions in the search criteria for you. If "cancer" is one of your criteria, the eICD will search for "malignant neoplasm". As with all entries in criteria, this feature is not case sensitive (it will substitute Cancer, CANCER, cancer, as well as CanCEr with malignant neoplasm). Please note that in all cases in which there is a choice, the American English syntax or spelling will be preferred.

The eICP search can be inclusive and exclusive.

Your search will retrieve all records that contain your criteria. In addition, you can explicitly exclude records from your search by entering exclude terms.



The Electronic International Classification of Disease is based on the International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision, Clinical Modification (ICD-9-CM) as published by the U.S. Public Health Service and the Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services (formerly Health Care Financing Administration). This program is designed to be a current, authoritative source regarding the ICD-9-CM, and every reasonable effort has been made to ensure its accuracy and completeness. However, eicd.com by Yaki TECHNOLOGIES makes no guarantee, warranty, or representation that this compilation is accurate, complete, or without errors. eicd.com by Yaki TECHNOLOGIES is not rendering any legal services, professional services, or advice in providing this program, the codes, or reports thereof. eicd.com by Yaki TECHNOLOGIES bears no liability for any results or consequences which may arise from the use from this program.

Copyright Ó 1996-2001 eicd.com by YakiTECHNOLOGIES. All Rights Reserved.

eicd.com Content Objects do not recognize wildcard search characters such as * and ?

The Content Objects do not support or recognize wildcard searches with the asterix (*) or question mark (?) characters. In addition, the following characters are ignored during searching.






















































Send mail to Webmaster@eicd.com with questions or comments about this web site.
Copyright © 1998- 2004 eICD.com by YakiTECHNOLOGIES
ICD-10 codes, terms, and text © World Health Organization, 1992-94